Dear friends,
We are a community of faith who loves and accepts everyone. Join us in church or online as we journey in deepening the knowledge of God’s love for us revealed in the face of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, and seeking to overflow this grace into the world.

See our Calendar for upcoming services
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Our latest news updates
- Job Opportunity: Church & Community Halls Operations ManagerHoly Trinity Church, Cuckfield PCC, is seeking a part-time Operations Manager to oversee the Church Building and The Old School, ensuring they serve the parish and remain a leading community… Read more: Job Opportunity: Church & Community Halls Operations Manager
- 23rd March: Third Sunday of LentHere are the newsletter and weekly pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).
- 22nd March: Handel by CandleJoin the Friends of Holy Trinity Cuckfield on Saturday 22nd March from 7pm, to welcome leading Sussex choir Coro Nuovo and Orchestra, as they present a spectacular celebration… Read more: 22nd March: Handel by Candle
- 16th March: Second Sunday of LentHere are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).
- 15th March: Michael Maine Organ RecitalCome along to St John’s Church, Burgess Hill, on Saturday 15th March, for a spectacular afternoon of music! Our former vicar, Michael Maine, will perform Sounds of Majesty, a… Read more: 15th March: Michael Maine Organ Recital
- 9th March: First Sunday of LentHere are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).
- Lent at Holy TrinityLent starts on Ash Wednsday (5th March), when in addition to the usual Wednesday morning service of Holy Communion, we will celebrate a choral Eucharist starting at 7… Read more: Lent at Holy Trinity
- 2nd March: Sunday next before LentHere are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).