Welcome to InSpire!
Here you’ll find the latest news, events, and photo galleries from all our activities with children, young people, and families.
(Also, check out our dedicated page for our weekly Treble Choir)
- Cuckfield Christmas 2024Come and join us at Holy Trinity Church for an Advent and Christmas season to remember. Details of all our special seasonal services and events are below, and whether you’re looking for traditional choral services or family-friendly fun and wonder, there’s something here for everyone! Major public services, including all-age events Click or tap the images for a larger view Book your free tickets for the Crib Services on Christmas Eve via these buttons: Traditional choral services, including quieter events
- Half-term Pumpkin of Light TrailTuesday 29th October to Sunday 3rd November! Have fun with your children/grandchildren finding the pumpkins hidden around the churchyard behind our church. Collect the letters on the back of each one, to unscramble a message and collect a little prize from the back of the church. Pick up a trail sheet from the church porch or view/download a copy here. Pumpkins will be lit from 6.00-7.30pm, Tuesday to Saturday, if you fancy doing the trail in the dark!
- Easter Family ActivitiesThere’s lots happening at Holy Trinity this Easter, for all the family, so take a look at the programme below (click or tap for a full-size version) and do join us with your children or grandchildren. We’d love to see you!
- Spring Half Term Family Fun!Bring your family and invite your friends to join our half-term activities this February! There’s no charge for any of these activities, but some require advance booking – read on for full details. Flipping Brilliant Crafts followed by a pancake party on Tuesday 13 February; 10.30-12.00 or 1.00-2.30 in the church. Please book one ticket per session, per person, from Ticketsource. Holy Trinity Family Film Club with supper. Tuesday 13 February 5.00pm where we’ll be showing the wonderful Disney film, Moana. In the church. Please book one ticket per person, from Ticketsource. Our Pancake Path is open from Saturday 10th… Read more: Spring Half Term Family Fun!
- Half-Term Family ActivitiesThere’s lots happening for families at Holy Trinity Church this Autumn half term! Click this image to view or download the full-size schedule of events, and see further details below (along with downloadable trail sheets for the Pumpkin Trail, and sponsorship form for the Sleepout). Advance booking is essential for our Grown-Ups’ Paint Night, Holiday Film Club, and the Sponsored Sleep-Out. Please book your tickets on our ticketsource page.
- Autumn Term Family Events!Bring the whole family along to our Pet Service on Sunday 17th September! Join us for Outdoor Church at Holy Trinity Primary School on Wednesday 27th! And book your tickets for Family Film Club’s showing of Night at the Museum on Tuesday 24th October! Full details below…
- Harvest SupperCome along to church on Saturday 30th September, 5.30-8pm, for a bring-and-share supper, with home-spun entertainment – fun for all the family! There’s no charge, but please bring a plate of food for the Bring and Share table and book a ticket (no charge) or give your name to Emma in the Church Office so we know how many people to set up for. Drinks will be available at the bar. If you would like to contribute to the entertainment, please see (or email) Charlotte or Hilary. Charlotte is also organising an informal group to sing a few numbers at the supper.… Read more: Harvest Supper
- Family Praise CancelledSorry! We’ve had to cancel this month’s Family Praise (planned for Sunday 2nd July) – But we’re BACK on Sunday 6th August, 11.15am – do join us then!
- 18th June: Father’s Day EucharistJoin us on Sunday 18th June for a special all-age Family Eucharist, celebrating the goodness of the Father of us all. Everyone welcome! And please stay for refreshments after the service!
- Easter Family Activities 2023We have an exciting selection of events and activities for all the family to enjoy during the Easter school holidays! Some activities require advance booking, so read on for event details, and how to secure your places. Celebrate Easter with some Messy crafts, here in Church on Tuesday 4th April. We’re running two sessions, one from 10-11.30am and the other from 1-2.30pm. Please reserve your (free) tickets in advance – one ticket per session, per person, from www.ticketsource.co.uk/holy-trinity-church-cuckfield The following week, on Wednesday 12th April, our Family Film Club is showing Disney Pixar’s film Brave! Come along at 5pm to… Read more: Easter Family Activities 2023
- 19th March: Mothering Sunday Communion & EvensongDo join us at Holy Trinity Church for a special Mother’s Day Family Communion Service on Sunday, 19th March at 9.45am. There will be things for the children to do during the talk and little posies for them to give parents……. Not forgetting refreshments after the service! We hope to see you there. And in the evening, do come along to Choral Evensong for Lent, at 6.00pm. It will be a wonderful and reflective service, so do try to be there, or join us on Zoom. There will even be some refreshment afterwards!
- Half Term Family FunBring the whole family along to Holy Trinity this half term, to enjoy our churchyard birds trail, family crafts, and a showing of the animated classic The Prince of Egypt! Pick up a trail sheet from the Church porch any time duirng half term week (13th-19th February) to enjoy a guided trail hunting for birds with words around the churchyard. Prizes for all explorers within the church! Our holiday family craft club is back, with a Valentine’s theme – come along to the Old School on Wednesday 15th February (either 10.00-11.30am or 1.00-2.30 pm). Places are free and refreshments are… Read more: Half Term Family Fun
- Chorister AdmissionsIt was an amazing end to our Family Eucharist last week (22nd January), to welcome four new probationers into our choir. Welcome to Lily, Ruby, Mabel and Eddie. We all wish you well, and a lifetime of singing ahead!
- Christmas at Holy TrinityHere’s our poster illustrating almost all our family events coming up this Christmas!
- Christmas Family Craft ClubCome along on Wednesday 30th November, from 3.30-5.00pm, to enjoy some craft activities together! All children must be accompanied by an adult. ALL TICKETS FOR THIS EVENT ARE NOW TAKEN.
- Advent Service of LightA beautiful start to Advent! Everyone is welcome – bring the whole family and join our early morning candlelit service – to watch, wait, and welcome our coming Lord. Followed by breakfast!
- Half Term at Holy TrinityOctober 24th-28th is half term, and our families team have put together some special activities for everyone to enjoy. There is no charge for any of these events (although contributions towards materials and food are always welcome). Tickets for the craft day and film club (free, but needed so we can plan for the appropriate number of people) can be booked at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/holy-trinity-church-cuckfield Come along to enjoy ourPumpkin of Light Trail from 24th -28th October.Follow the trail around the churchyard and collect 17 letters to unscramble a great message! Pumpkins will be lit at night from 6.00-7.30pm. View or download your trail sheet here.… Read more: Half Term at Holy Trinity
- Harvest SupperMake sure you have the date for the Harvest Supper in your diary! Saturday, 1st October 5.30pm – 8.00pm in Church. There will be a ‘Bring and Share’ supper, bar and home spun entertainment. With good food and a variety of entertainment, it’s always a delightful occasion where we can all come together socially for a really enjoyable evening. Book your free tickets online at www.ticketsource.co.uk/holy-trinity-church-cuckfield, or let Gill in the office know you will be there. If you have a “star turn” up your sleeve for entertainment, please let Charlotte and Hilary know. It can be anything – singing, playing an… Read more: Harvest Supper
- Family Film Club: Bee MovieJoin us in Church on Friday 19th August for a screening of Dreamworks’ Bee Movie! A fun evening for all the family (all children must be accompanied by an adult). Please book one ticket per person at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/holy-trinity-church-cuckfield
- Summer Theatre & Performance ClubCome and sing, create and perform! Our Key Stage 2 Theatre & Performance Club takes place in Church on three mornings from Wednesday 17th – Friday 19th August. Book your (free) tickets (one per child) at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/holy-trinity-church-cuckfield Don’t forget to bring a snack!
- Pet Service: Sunday 31st JulyCome and join us for a Pet Service – a short, informal service for ALL the family – pets too! Sunday 31st July at 11.15am – outside or inside the church, depending on the weather. Refreshments available after the service.
- Creation Care: Holy Trinity’s Summer ProgrammeThere’s lots happening for families at Holy Trinity Church over the summer. Click the poster below for an overview of our weekday events! Full details of all events and how to register for your (free) tickets, see the full letter here.
- School Governers wanted!Holy Trinity School invite anyone with an interest and enthusiasm for the education of all children to consider serving on their Board of Governers, as several current governors’ terms of office come to their end this term. Full details of what being a governor involves, and how to find out more, can be found by selecting the image below (full document will open in a new tab).
- Trinity Sunday (& choir presentation) photosRelive the celebrations from Trinity Sunday (12th June) when we celebrated both our church’s 930th birthday, and also welcomed some of our junior choir members into new roles, celebrating their development along the RSCM’s ‘Voice for life’ pathway. Please share your own photos and memories by sending them to webmaster@holytrinitycuckfield.org
- Platinum Treasure HuntThis week (29 May – 5 June), come and find out some fun facts about the “Girl who became Queen!” Pick up a trail sheet from the church porch and follow the trail around the churchyard behind the church. Collect the red letters on the posters to unscramble a special message the Queen gave. When you’ve finished, go into church to claim a little prize! Have fun!
- Jubilee Family CraftsWe’re holding an exciting family crafts day on Monday, 30th May. Bring your family to enjoy printing, Jubilee plate-painting, and more! Please book tickets (one per child) from TicketSource (available from Monday 22 May). There is no charge for this event, although contributions towards the cost of the materials would be welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
- Easter Messy Church for childrenSunday 17th April @ 9.45am in the Old School: Explore the meaning of Easter through crafts, story and songs. Don’t miss the Easter egg hunt after the service!!in the Jacobean Rooms of the Old School (upstairs)
- Easter Trail around the Churchyard (11-24 April) and PuzzlesLooking for something to do with the children/grandchildren during the holidays? Follow our Easter Trail around the churchyard: find the posters with the numbered Easter eggs. What do the posters all have in common? Pick up your trail sheet in the church porch, or view/download it here. Collect the 18 letters to unscramble a secret message. Don’t forget to collect a little prize! Enjoy! (Please be aware there could be grass-cutters in the churchyard.) As an extra challenge, try these puzzles when you get home!
- 15th April: Good Friday Family ServiceThis is a lovely informal service lead by children, moving around the church following the events of the Easter story. Hot cross buns and refreshments in the church after the service.
- Half term Valentine’s trailHere are the poster and link to the answers from this half term’s Valentine’s Trail around the church And for all those who had a go at the trail, you can find the answers here!
- We’re recruiting: Children & Families Lay MinisterFollowing Helen’s relocation, we’re seeking a Lay Minister to work with children and families. The role will be fixed-term until May 2023, and will be 10 hours per week, all year round – to be worked flexibly, including some evening and weekend work as required. Download the job description and person specification for full details.
- Christmas Church Mice TrailHere are the poster and link to the answers from this Christmas holiday’s Church Mice Trail around the church And for all those who had a go at the trail, you can find the answers here!
- Christingle Service photosEnjoy these photos from our Christingle service on Sunday 19th December
- Christingle and Family Carol Service: 19 Dec @ 9.45 am
- Advent Angel Project photosEnjoy this glimpse behind the scenes of our ambitious Angel Project this Advent! Our Advent Angels are now finished and looking wonderful! Week 5 was spent creating their robes, attaching wings and halos and giving them angelic faces! It has been such a lovely project and the children are thrilled with their finished works of art. You can now enjoy seeing them in church in all their glory bringing the wonderful message: “We bring good news of great joy for all people !”
- Autumn Fun With Clay photosEnjoy these photos of our ‘Autumn Fun With Clay’ half term activities!
- Family Service Photos (17 Oct 2021)Sunday 17th saw our monthly 3rd-Sunday family-led service, and also our annual welcome to the newly-elected Mayor of the Independent State of Cuckfield – here are some photos from the day
- Half Term Family Activities!Join us this half term holiday, 23-31 October, for a variety of fun activities for all the family to enjoy! Pumpkin of Light Trail Come and find the 18 pumpkins hidden around the churchyard behind Holy Trinity Church. Collect the 18 letters on the back and unscramble a secret message! The pumpkins will be lit between 5.30 – 7.30pm, Sun 24th – Sun 31st Oct. Fun with Clay! Everyone had such fun at the last clay workshop that we’re holding another one! Come and make hibernating animals and autumn plaques. Mon 25th October, 10 – 11.30am and 1- 2.30pm in Holy… Read more: Half Term Family Activities!
- Calling all pumpkin carvers!We plan to have another Pumpkin of Light Trail during the half-term holiday. Can you help? We would love for people to volunteer to carve a pumpkin or two! Templates will be drawn on the pumpkin… all you have to do is cut it out! Please see Hilary Turner-King or Helen Swift or call Hilary on 01444 400087. Thank you so much!
- Gold Blast Party 9 Oct 2021Photos from Saturday’s Gold Blast Party for year 6 leavers from Holy Trinity School
- Harvest Family PraiseWe celebrated the harvest festival at our monthly informal family praise this month; here are some of the children reading the Gospel story, and the congregation receiving communion.
- Holy Trinity School Harvest ServiceEnjoy these photos from our School Harvest service
- Gold blast party for 2020 year 6 leaversA great time was had by all at the Gold blast party for Holy Trinity School 2020 year 6 leavers on the 18th September – here’s a selection of photos from the party!
- September’s Family ServicePhotos from our all-age service on Sunday 5 September, led by Zach and Archie
- Photos from It’s A Knockout!Enjoy our gallery from the family activity day based on It’s A Knockout! on Wednesday 18th August
- Photos from Creative Modelling & Printing dayEnjoy these photos from our family activity on 17th August – Creative Modelling and Printing!
- Photos from the Cuckfield OlympicsEnjoy these photos from the Holy Trinity Cuckfield Olympics, held on 11 August 2021!
- New Summer Trails!Enjoy some new trails for this Summer: (Click the trail names to download the trail sheets) Mystery Trail around the churchyard Can you work out what the pictures are? There are some clues to help! Collect 13 words and unscramble a secret message. Church Trail Can you spot all these things in the church? Go and have a good look! A good trail to do if it’s raining! Out and about Scavenger Hunt One to take away with you and do anywhere! Spies in the Car One to take away and do on a long car journey! Have Fun!
- Holiday activity club, day 1: clay modellingHere’s a gallery of photos from our family clay modelling day on Tuesday 3rd August
- August Family Praise & Summer Activities!There are lots of fun, free activities for you to enjoy with your children/grandchildren this summer. All details below available in our pdf flyer. Book tickets online at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/holy-trinity-church-cuckfield Tuesday 3rd August Come and have fun Modelling with Clay and take away something to treasure.Sessions: 9.30-11 and 11.15-12.45 in Holy Trinity Church – refreshments will be available. Wednesday 11th August Sports Activity Day: All sorts of different races and challenges for all the family!2-4pm – Holy Trinity School playing field – bring something to sit on – refreshments available. Tuesday 17th August Creative modelling and printing: The chance to model… Read more: August Family Praise & Summer Activities!
- Family Summer ActivitiesAdvance notice! We are planning our programme of Summer Activities for families and have the following dates in August lined up: Tues 3rd; Thurs 5th; Wed 11th ; Tues 17th and Wed 18th Aug. Put those in your diary, and watch this space for details and updates! We will also be restarting The Zone Youth Club in September and running two reunion parties for the Year 6 leavers of Holy Trinity School. Gold Blast Reunion Parties Saturday 18th Sept & Saturday 9th Oct (6-9pm) The Zone Youth Club Saturdays: 25th Sept, 16th Oct, 20th Nov & 18th Dec (6-9pm) If you’d like to help by providing cake, serving… Read more: Family Summer Activities
- July Family PraiseSome photos from our Family Praise service on 4th July 2021:
- Wacky Animal TrailFor those of you who did the trail around the churchyard at half-term finding out some truly amazing animal facts, the secret message wasL O V E Y O U R P L A N E T!We hope you found all the animals and all the letters! Love, Helen and Hilary
- Summer Half Term Family Fun!Family Arts & Crafts, in Church, on Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd June. Themed around “Our Wonderful World!” Limited numbers for safety – book your (free) tickets here! Wacky Animal Trail! Join our trail around the churchyard. Find the fourteen animals, discover some crazy facts about them, collect the first letter of their name and unscramble an important message! Available all week, from Saturday 29th May to Sunday 6th June.
Summer half term 2021
Find details of our services and family activities, image galleries, etc from our half-term activities in May-June 2021 here!
Ignite Lent Reflections 2021: Getting Fit with James!
Find all Helen’s guided reflections for the season of Lent here
Christmas holiday fun 2020
See our dedicated page for an array of family games and activities to share during the Christmas holidays!
You can also find details of our Posada treasure hunt to enjoy together!
Autumn Half Term: 23 October – 1 November 2020
We put together a range of fun things you can do as a family whilst staying safe and socially distanced in these COVID times: see the poster here and the dedicated page (with full activity details and activity galleries) here. Have fun!
InSpired Ideas Online: March – July 2020
Find all our stories, activities, videos and other online resources produced during the first lockdown and summer holiday under COVID-19 restrictions
Lent Family Service: Sunday 1 March 2020

Family Film Club: Friday 21 Feb: The Lion King!