Church Music

Music forms a cherished part of our worship at Holy Trinity Cuckfield. We have a Walker pipe organ, robed Choir, Junior Choir and a large and active Music Group and all of these support Services throughout the year. These groups also participate in occasional concerts and recitals. Our re-ordered Church hosts regular Lunchtime and Evening Concerts; check the Calendar for upcoming events.

Current Music Lists

Our monthly Music Lists offer a detailed list of the hymns, anthems, and settings we will be using in each Sunday Service, including the monthly Choral Evensong. Hymn numbers are from Ancient and Modern: Hymns and Songs for Refreshing Worship (2013).
When available, the current Term Plan shows an overview of the season’s music.

The Organ

Originally dating from 1842, the Church’s Walker organ has been substantially rebuilt and restored over the years, most recently in 2006. You can download a full History of the Organ here. For further information contact the church office.

The Choirs

The robed Choir supports worship at the 9:45am Family Eucharist Services, and normally sings Evensong twice a month; fully CHORAL on the 1st Sunday, and Sung Evensong on the 3rd. There are also special evening choral events such as the Advent Carol Service and the Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols

  • Choir Club (age 8 to teens) meets 6.00-7.45pm on Fridays
  • Choir Practice is 7.40-9pm on Fridays

Our thriving Choir Club and Parish Choir are expanding! If you’d like to find out more, please contact Charles Humphries, our Director of Music.

Richard and the Choir – October 2018

Choir Club

Choir Club (age 8 to teens) runs weekly on Friday evenings during term times. Click the link for full details of this fun learning experience. Choir Club members are given opportunities to sing in services, both as a group and as part of the larger choir.

New choir members

New members are always welcome and if you are interested please contact Charles. It can be useful to have some knowledge of reading music, especially if you are an alto, tenor or bass. People often think that joining a church choir requires a large commitment of time. Obviously we hope members will attend as many practices and services as possible, especially around the major festivals, but we all recognise that people lead busy lives.

Music Group

Music Group is an important part of our worship, with a talented band of musicians leading Family Services from time to time.

For more info, contact the church office.

Friday Lunchtime Informal Concerts

Normally held on the first Friday of the month, these concerts bring us the talents of a wide variety of musicians and singers. No entry fee is charged, and no tickets are needed – just drop in!

You can expect free tea and coffee to be available, and a free programme. There will be a retiring collection, usually for church funds.

For dates and details of upcoming concerts, please click the poster below, or visit our events calendar.