See our Recent Services page for the latest sermons, service sheets and other content!
Service times may vary on the occasions of major festivals, but the normal pattern of services is as shown below. At other times the Church is normally open from 9:30am to 4:30pm daily.
We use modern language (Common Worship (CW) the Church of England’s modern worship liturgy) together with the timeless language of the Book of Common Prayer – the 1662 book which is part of the great heritage of the English language (referred to as BCP).
Sunday Services:
8:00 am | Holy Communion | A said quiet service using either the Book of Common Prayer or Common Worship liturgy (in church only) |
9:45 am | Family Eucharist | A modern language communion service with a sermon, hymns, worship songs, choir and organ. On the third Sunday of the month we have the interaction of our children and families within the liturgy. (In church and online via Zoom) |
11.15 am | Family Worship (first Sunday of the month) | A short, joyful and informal service for all ages – Holy Communion will be available. |
6:00 pm | Choral Evensong (first and third Sundays of the month) | A Book of Common Prayer act of worship with a sermon, hymns, choir participation and time for quiet prayer (in church and online via Zoom) |
Baptisms – Please contact the parish office to seek availability of dates. These normally take place at 12.00 or 1.00pm. We are also happy for them to take place during our main Eucharist (as numbers allow).
Please note that as we move forward post-pandemic we are exploring different opportunities for children and family work. Watch this space!
Weekday Services:
Wednesday | 10:30 am | Holy Communion (CW) followed by Vicar’s Coffee & Cake – in church and online via Zoom |
Thursday | 9:00 am | Holy Communion (Celtic inspired liturgy with short discussion) – in church only |
Friday | 11:00 am | Holy Communion (BCP) – in church only |