Month: May 2021

  • Parish Magazine: June 2021

    Parish Magazine: June 2021

  • Prayer Requests

    Prayer Requests

    Whatever you’re going through, if it needs to be shared, share it with us. Use our Contact page and select ‘Prayer Requests’ from the recipient drop-down to share your news with our dedicated prayer group. No need for fancy words or pious phrases, no need to share more than you feel comfortable with – all…

  • Stonework Appeal

    Stonework Appeal

    Even within the limitations of coronavirus, Holy Trinity Church remains a potent symbol of our faith and an important source of inspiration through its beauty and its aura of prayerful tranquility. It is a resource, and a responsibility, that belongs to all of us. Maintaining our wonderful ancient parish church is a costly challenge. We…

  • Summer Half Term Family Fun!

    Summer Half Term Family Fun!

    Family Arts & Crafts, in Church, on Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd June. Themed around “Our Wonderful World!” Limited numbers for safety – book your (free) tickets here! Wacky Animal Trail! Join our trail around the churchyard. Find the fourteen animals, discover some crazy facts about them, collect the first letter of their name and…

  • Thank You!

    Thank You!

    Thank You from Crawley Open House – we were delighted to receive this letter from this fine organisation, who we were privileged to support through our Lent Appeal.

  • Schools Appeal

    Schools Appeal

    Your continued support for our local schools families is still hugely valued! Jane Coan is continuing with the collections for Holy Trinity School, including fresh produce. Rebecca Anderson is collecting for Bewbush Academy in Crawley, where over 600 food parcels have been delivered so far. Details of what to give, and where, can be found…

  • June 2021

    June 2021

    My dear friends, The diocese has asked every parish in the diocese to engage with a Deanery Mission Action Plan and poses four aspects to which questions are linked: More Open – How will your church provide worship and sustain faith?  More converted – How will your church nurture and grow the faith of your church community?…