Lent starts on Ash Wednsday (5th March), when in addition to the usual Wednesday morning service of Holy Communion, we will celebrate a choral Eucharist starting at 7 p.m.
This service will include an opportunity for the imposition of ashes (being marked on the forehead in ash, with the sign of the cross).

During the five weeks of Lent, we are running three forms of Lent Course, and everyone is welcome to join one (or more) of them!

On Thursday evenings, from 6th March to 3rd April (with a possible ‘extra’ session on 10th April), is ‘Christ and the Chocolaterie’, a course based on the film Chocolat.
The course explores issues about God, the world, and being human. You can download the video clips from weeks 1-3 of the course using this link. The course booklet can be obtaine from Eden.co.uk at the cost of £6.28.
This will meet in-person and online.
The ‘in-person’ group will meet in the Old School (Victorian Hall) from 7.30pm to 9pm, starting with a shared meal from 7.30 to 8pm. Contact Caroline Currer for more details or to borrow a copy of the film DVD.
The online group will meet on the the same days at 7pm. Join by clicking the blue button on the Home page or the link here. Further information from Jonathan Berry.
There here will also be another on-line group, running at 7pm on a Mondays, starting 10th March, following the Diocesan Course ‘I Believe’, exploring big themes from the Nicene creed.
More details are available on the poster below and from the Church of England’s course page, or from Clive Simmonds.

If your prefer to use an individual series of daily reflections for Lent, some copies of the Church of England booklet ‘Living Hope’ will be available in church – cost only £2.20, and also obtainable from Eden.co.uk.
Watch out for information in the weekly news sheets.
We do hope that you will find something of interest to encourage study and reflection on matters of faith during the coming season of Lent.