2025 Lent Courses

This year we are running three forms of Lent Course, and everyone is welcome to join one (or more) of them!

The first is entitled ‘Christ and the Chocolaterie’, based on the film ‘Chocolat’. It will be running both online and in-person on Thursday evenings from 6th March to 3rd April (with a possible ‘extra’ session on 10th April).

The ‘in-person’ group will meet in the Old School (Victorian Hall) from 7.30pm to 9pm, starting with a shared meal from 7.30 to 8pm. Caroline Currer will organise some food for week 1, but the aim is that in the following weeks we might share responsibility for this, as was the case last year.

The course booklet can be obtained from Eden.co.uk at the cost of £6.28, and it would also be helpful (though not essential) if you can see the film in advance – it can be rented through Amazon Prime or DVDs (for those with players) can be bought for £3-5. We will also have 2 copies for loan after 28 February – contact Caroline Currer if you are interested and to arrange – or simply for further information.

The online group  will meet on the the same days at 7pm. Join by clicking the blue button on the Home page or the link here. Further information from Jonathan Berry.

There will also be another on-line group, running at 7pm on a Monday, following the Diocesan Course ‘I Believe’ exploring big themes from the Nicene creed. Poster below and more details from the Church of England’s course page, or from Clive Simmonds (Reader@HolyTrinityCuckfield.org ).

If your prefer to use an individual series of daily reflections for Lent, some copies of the Church of England booklet ‘Living Hope’ will be available in church – cost only £2.20, and also obtainable from Eden.co.uk.

Watch out for information in the weekly news sheets.

We do hope that you will find something of interest to encourage study and reflection on matters of faith during the coming season of Lent.