26th May: 2024 Electoral Roll Update and Annual Parish Meetings

Annual Parochial Church Meetings – Sunday 26th May at 11.30am

This year’s APCM will be held on Sunday 26th May in Church at 11.30am. This is a change of date and venue from that announced at last year’s APCM.

The Agenda, The PCC’s Annual Report & Accounts for 2023, and the Minutes of the last APCM are available for download below. Inspection copies will also be available in the Church porch.

Updated 10 May: The Annual Revision of the Church Electoral Roll is complete, and the Roll is now closed until after the Annual Parochial Church Meetings on Sunday 26th May. Documents relating to those meetings can be viewed or downloaded from the links below.

Annual Revision of the Church Electoral Roll – 26th April to 10th May

The Church Electoral Roll is open for revisions over the next two weeks. Joining the Roll lets you actively participate in the governance and decision-making processes of the church community, lets you vote in elections, fosters a sense of community, enables spiritual growth, and shows commitment to your parish church.

To join the Roll online, please complete this form (also available via the Quick Links menu at the foot of this page, and every page of the website)

Alternatively, a hard copy form will be available in Church: if you use that route, please leave the form in an envelope marked ‘Electoral Roll Officer’ in the E-pigeonhole in Church once you have completed it, so we can process it for you.

If you want to check your entry on the Roll, change a contact detail or preference, or have any queries, please don’t hesitate to email David Thunder on ero@holytrinitycuckfield.org and he’ll do his best to help.