27th February: Lunch n Linger

Lunch “n” Linger will take place again at the Old School on Thursday 27th February 2025, and everyone is welcome (subject to capacity limits – see below)

We gather from 12.30, lunch is served at 1.00 pm. The feedback from the first club was excellent. The cost is £6.50 per head (payable on the day).

The menu for this month is beef & onion pie (shortcrust pastry-base & top) or squash, lentil & almond wellington (contains nuts), carrots & peas, mashed potato followed by chocolate profiteroles or fruit salad.

There are only 40 places, and these will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. If you would like to attend please let Jane know or email office@holytrinitycuckfield.org confirming your menu choices. We need to confirm final numbers by the Monday before the lunch (24th Feb).

The food is freshly prepared by the Kitchens at Warden Park Academy. Pupils from the school will assist with serving and clearing. If you can assist with setting up and or with clearing/washing up, please let Jane know as well.