An Aumbry for Holy Trinity

For many years we have been privileged to take home communion to those in the parish who are unable to attend the services in church. However, the arrangements for reserving the sacrament have been less than ideal and the vicar and the PCC have been keen to improve this by installing an aumbry in the sanctuary.

In designing and commissioning this work it was clearly important that both the aumbry and accompanying sanctuary lamp were appropriate to their purpose and to their surroundings. The PCC was pleased to be able to use the skills of both Maxim Rickard, a bespoke furniture creator based in Cuckfield, to design and build the Aumbry, and Richard Bradshaw, a local blacksmith, to create the sanctuary lamp. Bold yet not intrusive, decorative yet not ornate both reflect existing artefacts in the sanctuary and the long tradition of craftsmanship so cherished by Kempe and others in the past.

The work was entirely funded by specific donations from members of the congregation.