Author: Ian Walden

  • 29th January: Candlemas

    29th January: Candlemas

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • Fifth Sunday charity: Cross Over

    Fifth Sunday charity: Cross Over

    It’s difficult to imagine sleeping rough at this time of the year. But we can help! Please give generously through our Fifth Sunday giving scheme this Sunday, 29th January, where we will be supporting the local charity Cross Over, providing hot breakfasts for the homeless of Brighton every weekend throughout the year.   You can…

  • Chorister Admissions

    Chorister Admissions

    It was an amazing end to our Family Eucharist last week (22nd January), to welcome four new probationers into our choir.  Welcome to Lily, Ruby, Mabel and Eddie. We all wish you well, and a lifetime of singing ahead!

  • 22nd January: Third Sunday of Epiphany

    22nd January: Third Sunday of Epiphany

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • 21st January: ‘Ode To Joyce’ concert

    21st January: ‘Ode To Joyce’ concert

    Come along on Saturday 21st January for a very special concert here at Holy Trinity from 2.30pm (or on Friday 20th at All Saints Lindfield at 7.00pm). Apollo Theatre Company will present a selection of songs and monologues from the great Joyce Grenfell, all to raise money for Raise Your Voice, the the Sussex Dementia…

  • 18th January: Men’s Group Meal

    18th January: Men’s Group Meal

    The next Men’s Group meeting is on January 18th, at the Hare and Hounds in Cowfold, for a two or three course meal. If you don’t normally go along, why not try if for 2023? Drop Clive an email, and he’ll be able to give you more details (including the rather delicious looking menu!).

  • 15th January: Second Sunday of Epiphany

    15th January: Second Sunday of Epiphany

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • 8th January: Epiphany

    8th January: Epiphany

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • Vicar of Cuckfield and Bolney sought

    Vicar of Cuckfield and Bolney sought

    The Patrons of the benefice of Cuckfield & Bolney seek to appoint a new incumbent. We are praying for someone who can lead us forward in mission because they are: The focus of this post will be the parish of Holy Trinity Cuckfield, due to a House for Duty Associate Priest in the parish of…

  • 6th January: Free lunchtime piano concert

    6th January: Free lunchtime piano concert

    Our first, free, lunchtime concert of the new year takes place on Friday January 6th, and looks to be a real treat! This month we welcome brilliant local pianist Caroline Tyler. As usual, just turn up, bring some lunch if you’d like, enjoy a free tea or coffee into the bargain, and enjoy some brilliant…