Category: Events
3 November: Paul Gregory (Classical Guitar)
November’s free Friday lunchtime concert will be on Friday 3rd from 1.10-1.55pm. Everyone is welcome, entrance is free – bring your packed lunch and enjoy some beautiful music courtesy of guitarist Paul Gregory. Free programme and tea/coffee. We take a retiring collection for any donations to church funds.
Concert: Cuckfield’s Shining Stars
Sunday 15 October at 2.30pmThis is the first (and possibly last!) opportunity to see all these young Cuckfield stars performing together, so not to be missed. Do come and support these talented young people (and the Friends of Holy Trinity) by booking your ticket here.
Harvest Supper
Come along to church on Saturday 30th September, 5.30-8pm, for a bring-and-share supper, with home-spun entertainment – fun for all the family! There’s no charge, but please bring a plate of food for the Bring and Share table and book a ticket (no charge) or give your name to Emma in the Church Office so we…
Free lunchtime concerts resume!
Our monthly free Lunchtime Concerts restart on Friday September 8th, with the return of the Perdido Swing Band – always a popular event. As usual it’s free admission, with a retiring collection. You get free tea and coffee, so bring a sandwich along and make a lunch break of it.
Charity Art Auction
This auction of 45 works, mostly by local artists, is now open and will run continuously until 1st July. Catalogues are available here, or from the Church. The catalogue explains how to bid. All the artworks will be on view in the Church on Saturday, 10th June from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Please do encourage the local artists and donors…
Songs of Springtime
Join us on Saturday 15th April as we welcome the New Sussex Singers to present ‘Songs of Springtime’, a concert featuring music by EJ Moeran, Vaughan Williams, Grieg, Holst, Haydn and Finzi. Tickets £14 (Under 16s £5) available on the door, or in advance from
The Story of Holy Trinity Cuckfield
On Sunday, March 26th at 2.30pm, Colin Sewell-Rutter will be giving a talk, entitled ‘The Story of Holy Trinity Cuckfield’. No need to book, just turn up. Tea and cakes will be provided. It’s free of charge, but there will be a retiring collection on behalf of The Friends of Holy Trinity.
Musical Showstoppers!
Join the Friends of Holy Trinity Church on Sunday 5th March for a fabulous concert of musical theatre, including hit songs from South Pacific, The Graduate, Oliver!, 42nd Street, The Way We Were, Candide, Time to Say Goodbye – and many more. Featuring solo performances from:Rebecca Leggett – Sussex Young Musician of the Year 2018and…
Mae Heydorn in lunchtime concert
On Friday 3 March we welcome contralto singer and guitarist Mae Heydorn to perform our monthly lunchtime concert. As usual, doors open at 12.50, and the concert is from 1.10 to 1.55 – bring your sandwiches! Free tea and coffee available, and a free programme. Donations to church funds are always welcome at the end.…
21st January: ‘Ode To Joyce’ concert
Come along on Saturday 21st January for a very special concert here at Holy Trinity from 2.30pm (or on Friday 20th at All Saints Lindfield at 7.00pm). Apollo Theatre Company will present a selection of songs and monologues from the great Joyce Grenfell, all to raise money for Raise Your Voice, the the Sussex Dementia…