Category: Events

  • 6th January: Free lunchtime piano concert

    6th January: Free lunchtime piano concert

    Our first, free, lunchtime concert of the new year takes place on Friday January 6th, and looks to be a real treat! This month we welcome brilliant local pianist Caroline Tyler. As usual, just turn up, bring some lunch if you’d like, enjoy a free tea or coffee into the bargain, and enjoy some brilliant…

  • Christmas Tree Festival Update

    Christmas Tree Festival Update

    Many thanks to everyone who helped with this year’s Christmas Tree Festival! The result of the 2022 Festival will enable us to present a cheque for £6,200 to the Golden Lion Children’s Trust. Together with other donations made directly to the Trust, the total raised will be £6,850.  The profits are shared with Holy Trinity Church and the…

  • 14th December: Mums’ Craft Club

    14th December: Mums’ Craft Club

    An evening of craft – just for mums! Refreshments available. Entry free of charge, but by advance ticket only – please book yours (one per person coming) from

  • Christmas Tree Festival

    Christmas Tree Festival

    Cuckfield’s annual Christmas Tree Festival will see a full programme for 2022. For full details, including details of festival music, ticket prices, and more information on our partner charity, the Golden Lion Children’s Trust, please visit the dedicated festival website at Opening Times for this year’s festival are: Friday 9th December 2022: Festival open 11am…

  • Festival of Christmas Music

    Festival of Christmas Music

    Holy Trinity Christmas Tree Festival and Cuckfield Music Festival present “A Festival of Christmas Music”. Book your free tickets for a magical musical evening on Saturday 10th December, starting at 7.30 pm, from The Singing Allsorts and No Strings Attached, held among 80 lit and decorated Christmas Trees. Enjoy mulled wine and mince pies in…

  • 6th November: An afternoon with John Benjamin

    6th November: An afternoon with John Benjamin

    Hot on the heels of The Friends’ Welsh Male Voice Choir’s concert last Sunday, Antiques Roadshow jewellery expert John Benjamin visits Holy Trinity on Sunday afternoon 6th November.  He is going to give a fascinating talk on the development of jewellery over the last 150 years and then, after a short drinks break, offer some anecdotes…

  • 4th November: Free swing concert

    4th November: Free swing concert

    November’s concert will be on Friday 4th, when we welcome the Perdido Players Swing Band to entertain us. Entrance is free, everyone is welcome. Doors open at 1pm, and the music starts at 1.10. An optional collection will be taken at the end. As usual, come along, pick up a free tea of coffee to…

  • 19th October: Skittles & Pizza

    19th October: Skittles & Pizza

    The Men’s Group will be meeting next on Wednesday, 19th October, at The Bull, Henfield, 7.00pm for 7.30pm, for the ever popular Skittles and Pizza. Please come along – first timers are especially welcome. Do let Clive know if you’re planning to be there.

  • 14th October: Free Lunchtime Concert

    14th October: Free Lunchtime Concert

    October’s lunchtime concert is on Friday 14th, with doors opening at 12.50 – all are welcome! Tea and coffee are provided; just bring your sandwiches! This month we welcome Ken Sagar, who brings us a programme for piano and organ featuring music by Bach, Brahms, and Beethoven.

  • 9th October: Male Voice Choirs Concert

    9th October: Male Voice Choirs Concert

    The Friends of Holy Trinity welcome two male voice choirs, the Gwalia Welsh and London Welsh Rugby Club, for what promises to be an amazing concert – so book your tickets early to avoid disappointment. We are grateful to the Friends for their support of our church. Maybe you would like to support us by becoming a…