Category: Latest News

  • Summer Theatre & Performance Club

    Summer Theatre & Performance Club

    Come and sing, create and perform! Our Key Stage 2 Theatre & Performance Club takes place in Church on three mornings from Wednesday 17th – Friday 19th August. Book your (free) tickets (one per child) at Don’t forget to bring a snack!

  • 31st July: Seventh Sunday after Trinity

    31st July: Seventh Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • Pet Service: Sunday 31st July

    Come and join us for a Pet Service – a short, informal service for ALL the family – pets too! Sunday 31st July at 11.15am – outside or inside the church, depending on the weather. Refreshments available after the service.

  • Creation Care: Holy Trinity’s Summer Programme

    Creation Care: Holy Trinity’s Summer Programme

    There’s lots happening for families at Holy Trinity Church over the summer. Click the poster below for an overview of our weekday events! Full details of all events and how to register for your (free) tickets, see the full letter here.

  • 24th July: Sixth Sunday after Trinity

    24th July: Sixth Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • 17th July: Fifth Sunday after Trinity

    17th July: Fifth Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • 23rd July: Bolney Summer Concert

    23rd July: Bolney Summer Concert

    Please come along to St Mary Magdalene, Bolney, for a delightful summer concert celebrating the church’s patronal festival on 23rd July, at 6pm – and for a reception of strawberries and drinks in the Bolney vicarage beforehand. Music will be provided by Halcyon voices, a choir including some of the finest young singers in the…

  • School Governers wanted!

    School Governers wanted!

    Holy Trinity School invite anyone with an interest and enthusiasm for the education of all children to consider serving on their Board of Governers, as several current governors’ terms of office come to their end this term. Full details of what being a governor involves, and how to find out more, can be found by…

  • 10th July: Fourth Sunday after Trinity

    10th July: Fourth Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • Covid outbreak: Impact on services

    Covid outbreak: Impact on services

    As many of you will know, we have been struck at Holy Trinity by a resurgence of Covid, which has particularly affected the choir and the clergy. Hopefully everyone is on the road to recovery, and we wish them all well. Unfortunately, this has meant that we had to cancel some services during the week…