Category: Latest News

  • Free Lunchtime Concert: 10th June

    Free Lunchtime Concert: 10th June

    Bring your sandwiches, and perhaps invite a friend! June’s FREE lunchtime concert at Holy Trinity will be on Friday 10th from 1.10pm until 1.55pm, and features organist Andrew Baars. Tea and coffee will be available. As usual, there will be a retiring collection.

  • 5th June: Pentecost

    5th June: Pentecost

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • Platinum Treasure Hunt

    Platinum Treasure Hunt

    This week (29 May – 5 June), come and find out some fun facts about the “Girl who became Queen!” Pick up a trail sheet from the church porch and follow the trail around the churchyard behind the church. Collect the red letters on the posters to unscramble a special message the Queen gave. When you’ve…

  • Jubilee Family Crafts

    Jubilee Family Crafts

    We’re holding an exciting family crafts day on Monday, 30th May. Bring your family to enjoy printing, Jubilee plate-painting, and more! Please book tickets (one per child) from TicketSource (available from Monday 22 May). There is no charge for this event, although contributions towards the cost of the materials would be welcome. Children must be accompanied by…

  • 29th May: Seventh Sunday of Easter

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • Thank You, from RWC

    Thank You, from RWC

    Refugees Welcome Crawley have sent us a ‘Thank You’ for the donation of £1,000 from Holy Trinity to support their work. Their letter, which outlines the work they do with refugees can be viewed here.

  • Chorister Presentations – Photos

    Chorister Presentations – Photos

    Our church is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) which is a worldwide organisation, supporting and encouraging music in worship in all its forms. We use their “Voice for Life” training scheme, especially with our Juniors, and last Sunday (15 May 2022) we welcomed one new young member as a Probationer, promoted…

  • 22nd May: Sixth Sunday of Easter

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • A Concert For You – Sat 21 May

    A Concert For You – Sat 21 May

    Come along to Holy Trinity Church on Saturday from 11am – 12 noon, to enjoy a collection of uplifting songs throughout the decades, with talented Cuckfield singer, Rebecca jabbar. Tickets are £5 (under 16s free) and can be booked in advance via Eventbrite or by contacting All ticket sales go to support local charity…

  • 2022 APCMs

    2022 APCMs

    This year’s Annual Parochial Church Meetings for the election of wardens, to receive the Annual Report and Accounts for 2021, and to elect members to the PCC will be held in the Tudor Hall of the Old School at 11.30 a.m. on Sunday May 22nd To take part and to vote, you need to be on the Church Electoral Roll. The enrolment window for this year closed on 30th April 2022, but…