Category: Latest News

  • An Aumbry for Holy Trinity

    An Aumbry for Holy Trinity

    For many years we have been privileged to take home communion to those in the parish who are unable to attend the services in church. However, the arrangements for reserving the sacrament have been less than ideal and the vicar and the PCC have been keen to improve this by installing an aumbry in the…

  • Bewbush Christmas Foodbank Appeal

    Bewbush Christmas Foodbank Appeal

    A Christmas Wishlist It’s that time of year again! The time when some of us have got all the ingredients ready for stir-up Sunday, some have been panicked by an article that says the UK may have run out of Quality Streets by Christmas so are stockpiling ……and some are choosing between heating and eating.…

  • Christ the King: Michael’s reflections

    Father Michael reflects on this feast day, and the significance of Christ’s kingship yesterday, today, and for ever – read or download his reflections here.

  • 21st November: Feast of Christ the King (the Sunday before Advent)

    21st November: Feast of Christ the King (the Sunday before Advent)

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 14th November: Remembrance Sunday

    14th November: Remembrance Sunday

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Vicar’s Letter: November 2021

    New Oracles? Dear Friends, I found a newspaper article from The Times I saved over a decade years ago, penned by the Nigerian author, Ben Okri. The title was striking; ‘Our false oracles have failed. We need a new vision to live by.’ He uses striking imagery to conjure up what he sees as the…

  • 7th November: Third Sunday before Advent

    7th November: Third Sunday before Advent

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Christmas Tree Festival update

    Christmas Tree Festival update

    It is with a great deal of sadness that, after very careful consideration, the Planning Group for the Christmas Tree Festival at Holy Trinity Church has decided to cancel the festival again this year. The only consuming reason is the current seemingly uncontrollable epidemic. Instead, however, from 9th December throughout the Christmas season, there will…

  • 31st October: All Saints Tide

    31st October: All Saints Tide

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Partner Charity for October: Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity

    Partner Charity for October: Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity

    The nominated charity for the 5th Sunday collection on 31 October is the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity ( The Charity was created to give children under five with Cerebral Palsy and other motor learning impairments a place where they can learn and thrive in a warm, supportive setting that understands their unique journey and helps them…