Category: Latest News

  • Soprano Jane Burnell in concert

    Soprano Jane Burnell in concert

    The Friends of Holy Trinity Church are delighted to announce a concert to be performed by Jane Burnell – recent winner of The Sussex Young Musician of the Year.  In Church, it will be held on Sunday 31st October at 3pm.  Capacity at present is limited to 100 people, so seat reservations will be issued on a first come,…

  • 24th October: Last Sunday after Trinity

    24th October: Last Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Family Service Photos (17 Oct 2021)

    Family Service Photos (17 Oct 2021)

    Sunday 17th saw our monthly 3rd-Sunday family-led service, and also our annual welcome to the newly-elected Mayor of the Independent State of Cuckfield – here are some photos from the day

  • Half Term Family Activities!

    Half Term Family Activities!

    Join us this half term holiday, 23-31 October, for a variety of fun activities for all the family to enjoy! Pumpkin of Light Trail Come and find the 18 pumpkins hidden around the churchyard behind Holy Trinity Church. Collect the 18 letters on the back and unscramble a secret message! The pumpkins will be lit…

  • Why?

    Why do 2 billion people world-wide still follow a dissident executed 2000 years ago? Join us as we explore why faith in Jesus Christ can transform the world. Food and conversation for enquiring minds, starting Thursday 23 September @ 7pm, in the Old School Full details at (or view the poster below)

  • 17th October: Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

    17th October: Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Calling all pumpkin carvers!

    Calling all pumpkin carvers!

    We plan to have another Pumpkin of Light Trail during the half-term holiday. Can you help? We would love for people to volunteer to carve a pumpkin or two! Templates will be drawn on the pumpkin… all you have to do is cut it out! Please see Hilary Turner-King or Helen Swift or call Hilary on 01444…

  • Men’s Group Skittles

    Men’s Group Skittles

    The next Cuckfield & Bolney Men’s Night is ‘Skittles and Pizza’ at The Bull Inn in Henfield (BN5 9AD) on Wednesday, 20th October. Even if you’ve never been before, why not come along for a fun (and not too serious) evening. It’s 7.30pm for 8.00pm, and please let Clive know, so that he can give numbers…

  • Gold Blast Party 9 Oct 2021

    Gold Blast Party 9 Oct 2021

    Photos from Saturday’s Gold Blast Party for year 6 leavers from Holy Trinity School

  • Love in a Box

    Love in a Box

    Update: 57 shoeboxes full of gifts and surprises have been sent to Croatia via Mustard Seed Relief Mission. It is difficult to imagine how much joy they will give to the children who receive them. Thank you so much for helping to make their Christmas special. Original appeal: As in previous years, we are collecting…