Category: Prayers
Prayer Requests
Whatever you’re going through, if it needs to be shared, share it with us. Use our Contact page and select ‘Prayer Requests’ from the recipient drop-down to share your news with our dedicated prayer group. No need for fancy words or pious phrases, no need to share more than you feel comfortable with – all…
Prayer Cycle – 31st
Today we pray for A Rocha (Christians in Conservation), Alpha & Emmaus course Leaders and all who attend the courses, and all who live outside the parish but have connections with Holy Trinity Cuckfield. (To see all prayer requests, click on Welcome/Prayers at the top)
Prayer Cycle – 30th
Today we pray for West Sussex Association for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing, CARE (Haywards Heath and Cuckfield Pastoral Care), the stewardship of our church and all who live in Ansty.
Prayer Cycle – 29th
Today we pray for The Goodwill Children’s Homes of South India, Mission Aviation Fellowship and all who live in Copyhold Lane.
Prayer Cycle – 28th
Today we pray for St. Wilfrid’s Hospice & Chestnut House, all users of the Old School, young people who live away from home and all who live in Tylers Green.
Prayer Cycle – 27th
Today we pray for St. Peter & St. James Hospice, St. Catherine’s Hospice, The Music and Worship Foundation, and all who live in Hatchgate Lane, Hatchgate Close and Wheatsheaf Lane.
Prayer Cycle – 26th
Today we pray for The Church Army, The Bible Society, local youth organisations and all who live in Horsgate Lane.
Prayer Cycle – 25th
Today we pray for The Inter Diocesan West Africa Link (especially the Church in Cameroon), Cuckfield branch of the Royal British Legion, the Sussex Church Bells Restoration Fund and all who live in Chatfield Road and the Brambles.
Prayer Cycle – 24th
Today we pray for The Sudan Church Association (and the Episcopal Church of Sudan), Houses into Homes, Warden Park Academy and all who live in Old Park Close and Warden Court.
Prayer Cycle – 23rd
Today we pray for all carers and the Carers National Association, St. George’s Church, Baghdad, & Canon Andrew White, Holy Trinity Primary School and all who live in London Lane.