Category: Services & Sermons

  • A visit from our Bishop

    A visit from our Bishop

    The Rt Revd Ruth Bushyager, Bishop of Horsham, will celebrate and preach on Sunday 26th June at the 9.45 a.m. Family Eucharist.

  • 12th June: Trinity Sunday

    Join us to celebrate our parish church’s ‘birthday’, and – at the 9.45am Family Communion – welcome Charlotte Tayler, our new Children and Families’ Lay Minister. There will be cake, refreshments… and games for the children after the service! Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and…

  • 5th June: Pentecost

    5th June: Pentecost

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • 29th May: Seventh Sunday of Easter

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news).

  • Chorister Presentations – Photos

    Chorister Presentations – Photos

    Our church is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) which is a worldwide organisation, supporting and encouraging music in worship in all its forms. We use their “Voice for Life” training scheme, especially with our Juniors, and last Sunday (15 May 2022) we welcomed one new young member as a Probationer, promoted…

  • 22nd May: Sixth Sunday of Easter

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 15th May: Fifth Sunday of Easter

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 8th May: Fourth Sunday of Easter

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 1st May: Third Sunday of Easter

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 24th April: Second Sunday of Easter

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):