Category: Services & Sermons

  • 17th April: Easter Sunday

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • The Cross of Christ: A Palm Sunday Meditation

    The Cross of Christ: A Palm Sunday Meditation

    Join us on Sunday 10th April at 6 p.m. for this beautiful meditation on the story of Holy Week, as we build toward Easter. Told through a series of readings, well-loved hymns, and anthems from our choir, this is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the love of God as revealed in the events of…

  • 10th April: Palm Sunday

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 15th April: Good Friday Family Service

    15th April: Good Friday Family Service

    This is a lovely informal service lead by children, moving around the church following the events of the Easter story.  Hot cross buns and refreshments in the church after the service.

  • 3rd April: Fifth Sunday of Lent

    3rd April: Fifth Sunday of Lent

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 27th March: Fourth Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday)

    27th March: Fourth Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday)

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 20th March: Third Sunday of Lent

    20th March: Third Sunday of Lent

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 13th March: Second Sunday of Lent

    13th March: Second Sunday of Lent

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 6th March: First Sunday of Lent

    6th March: First Sunday of Lent

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Ash Wednesday: 2nd March

    Ash Wednesday: 2nd March

    Join us on Wednesday 2nd March for these special services marking the start of Lent. Both the 10.30 and 8.00 services will include the imposition of ash for those who wish. 10.15 a.m. The Litany (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion (followed by coffee in Church) 5.00 p.m. Evening Prayer 8.00 p.m. Sung…