Informal groups meet regularly for study, prayer and worship outside the normal pattern of services in the Church, and latest details can always be found via the Church weekly Pew Sheet, the Parish Magazine and the Church Office. Current groups are:
Home Groups
Small, informal groups meet weekly for study, prayer and fellowship. As well as stimulating thought and lively discussions, home groups provide an excellent way to get to know one another better. Anyone is welcome to join.
Currently one group meets on Monday evenings, in person at 7.30pm (Contact Caroline Currer for more details), while the Thursday evening online group is paused. Contact Jonathan Berry for updates on this situation.
Men’s Group
Social activities scheduled most months, usually on the third Wednesday, in the evening. Visit the sign-up page to join the email mailing list. Meals and pub games are popular choices, although the group is also a good way to hear about opportunities to serve the community in practical activities. See the calendar for details of each month’s activities.