We’re very happy that despite the rainy weather, so many of you did the Pumpkin of Light Trail in half term

Did you find all 15 letters and work out the message? This is what you should have found!
What a great message Jesus gave us when he told us that he is the …

Free Activities for children in half term
We’re putting together a range of fun things you can do as a family whilst staying safe and socially distanced in these COVID times:
Family Bubbles Arts and Crafts : The Wonders of Autumn
Tues 27th Oct and Thurs 29th October 10-11am, 11.30-12.30am, 2-3pm and 3.30-4.30pm .
Each child will go away with 4 lovely Autumn crafts. Tickets for this event are limited and must be pre-booked to ensure COVID safety. Please book one ticket per family member (with a maximum of 4 per family) on https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/holy-trinity-church-cuckfield Families will be expected to stay at their own table with all craft materials being provided just for your family’s use. (Please check the church website in the event of changes to Coronavirus regulations). There is no charge.
QR Village Trail: in search of Hope! (4-8yr olds) Mon – Sun
Become an adventurer and set out on a quest to crack a code. Scan the QR code at each point to access a video and get the next clue. Follow this great trail put together by Scripture Union, using a mobile phone at each QR point. Perfect for engaging children in exploring, walking and talking about their experiences and what they are looking forward to. Pick up your adventurers’ map from Holy Trinity Church porch at any time during half term, to find the starting point and set off!
Pumpkins of Light Trail (Mon – Fri)
Find the 15 carved pumpkins around the churchyard behind the church. What is carved on each one? Is there a message? The pumpkins will be lit early evening if you fancy a night-time walk!
Other village trails
If you didn’t follow one of the village trails in the summer, copies will be available in the church porch or you can download them here:
Village Detectives! | Follow a treasure trail around the village and find things you’ve never noticed before! |
Number Crunchers! | This trail is around Cuckfield High Street. |
Scavenger Hunters! | A great hunt for any location. |
Spies in the car! | Spying activities for longer car journeys |
Nature Detectives | These hunts can be played on any walk: |
Nature Spotters – Minibeasts, hedgehog houses and insect hotels! | |
Tree Detectives | |
Bird Spotters | |
Water Bird Spotters | |
Plant Spotters | |
Butterfly Spotters | |
Beach Spotters |
For all our trails, please adhere to Government COVID regulations, maintain social distancing and take care with the roads. Have fun!