The Cuckfield Cottage Homes Trust – Registered Charity No. 229475
Who We Are

The Cottage Homes were founded on 21 May 1881 when the Sergison Trust conveyed Church Field on the west side of the Churchyard to Miss Mary Frances Maberly, daughter of a former Vicar of Cuckfield. She acquired the land for the construction of the line of three cottages we know as The Cuckfield Cottage Homes, and a year later the Homes were ready to receive their first residents. The Homes were officially opened by the Service of Dedication held in Holy Trinity Church on 12th July, 1882.
The Board of Trustees, chaired by the Vicar, supervise the upkeep and finances of Cuckfield’s historic Alms Houses, adjacent to Holy Trinity Church, which provide secure and comfortable homes for deserving local older people.