Join us this half term holiday, 23-31 October, for a variety of fun activities for all the family to enjoy!

Pumpkin of Light Trail
Come and find the 18 pumpkins hidden around the churchyard behind Holy Trinity Church.
Collect the 18 letters on the back and unscramble a secret message!
The pumpkins will be lit between 5.30 – 7.30pm, Sun 24th – Sun 31st Oct.

Fun with Clay!
Everyone had such fun at the last clay workshop that we’re holding another one!
Come and make hibernating animals and autumn plaques.
Mon 25th October, 10 – 11.30am and 1- 2.30pm in Holy Trinity Church, with refreshments
There is no charge for tickets, but please book one per person at so we can plan appropriately.

Family Film Club
The good news is ….
Holy Trinity Church Family Film Club is back!
Come and watch Disney’s The Jungle Book on Tuesday 26th October in Holy Trinity Church from 3-5pm
Please note: we will now be showing the original Jungle Book.
When we decided to show the latest version of Jungle Book for Holiday Film Club on Tues 26th Oct, we understood its rating to be U, as was the original version; good entertainment for all the family!
However, we now realise that the 2016 version is rated PG (8-10) with some scenes too frightening for younger children. We want to show films at Holiday Film Club that all the family can enjoy together. We will therefore be showing the original version of Jungle Book instead.
We look forward to seeing you there, in church 3-5pm for a good family movie and pizza tea!
Although there is no charge, please book tickets on so we know numbers for catering. Thank you!

Family Advent Angel Trail Project
This is a very exciting project!
Come to the Old School every Monday at 3.30pm throughout November and help create a Christmas Angel trail for the village.
We will be making life-size angels over the five weeks.
Come back each week to continue making your angel.
Why not get together with another family and create an angel together!
Please book tickets at
(One ticket per person will cover all 5 weeks.)
Refreshments on arrival.