Harvest Festival

What a wonderful weekend it was! Although Saturday 2nd October saw rain like the Deluge, we had the most uplifting Harvest Supper in church, with some splendid home-grown entertainment and over 70 people attending – and we were able to send £252 to the Bewbush Academy in Crawley.

We are so grateful to Hilary and Helen for their organisational skills, but also to all who brought food and those who entertained the throng with music and verse. It was lovely to see one of the refugee families we support (who brought some lovely home-made Syrian delicacies) and really ‘a good time was had by all,’ as they used to write!

Sunday saw some joyful singing of favourite Harvest hymns and we are grateful to Richard and the choir for enriching the worship throughout the day.

The InSpire Choir also sang for us, and the evening’s entertainment was finished off with some much-loved harvest hymns.