Lent will very soon be upon us, and time to start thinking about whether or not you might take part in one of our courses – and there are two to choose from!

Clive Simmonds is leading a group on Wednesdays from March 1st at 7.00pm, on the Zoom Blue Button (accessible from the home page), based on the Chichester diocesan course, this year entitled Who Then Is This? An introduction to the Wednesday group has been prepared by Clive, and is available here.
Or, if Thursday works better for you, from February 23rd Shirley Rawlins and Vicky Peattie will lead a group thinking about the “I am” sayings of Jesus.
They will be basing their approach on material from David Adam – a well-known and much loved writer on Celtic spirituality.
These will also be at 7.00pm, and also on the Zoom Blue Button. Do let Shirley know if you’re planning to attend.

So, there is a choice this year – perhaps an opportunity not to give something up for Lent, but to do something extra! And no reason why you shouldn’t do both!