Ring out, wild bells!
My dear friends,
Thus writes Alfred Lord Tennyson from his poem In Memoriam in which, using wonderful imagery, he conjures up the sense of renewed life and hope a new year represents.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go!
The turning of a year will mean something different to each of us. Some will make resolutions (always, I fear, a failure on my part!) whilst others seek new hope and dreams. For many it will be a case of looking both backwards and forwards – rather like Janus, the Roman god of gates and keys!
As many will already know, I am leaving full-time ministry and this wonderful parish of Cuckfield at the end of February, so perhaps next month I hope that you won’t mind too much if I reflect on seven very happy years as your vicar.
As to 2022, my prayer for everyone (and I will always hold you in prayer) is an awareness of the knowledge that God’s love surrounds you in whatever circumstance you find yourselves. Whenever you hear the bells of Holy Trinity, may they bring you joy and the sense of God’s peace within your lives.
With love and best wishes for 2022,
Michael (Vicar)