Month: January 2022

  • We’re recruiting: Children & Families Lay Minister

    We’re recruiting: Children & Families Lay Minister

    Following Helen’s relocation, we’re seeking a Lay Minister to work with children and families. The role will be fixed-term until May 2023, and will be 10 hours per week, all year round – to be worked flexibly, including some evening and weekend work as required. Download the job description and person specification for full details.

  • Crossover


    Our 5th-Sunday collection in January will be in support of Crossover, which provides food and compassion in Brighton and Hove and is run from the local YWAM at Holmstead Manor. On the Fifth Sunday, money can be given either through the giving plate at church services, via the QR code on the last slide of…

  • 30th January: Candlemas

    30th January: Candlemas

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Lunchtime Informal Concerts start 4th February!

    Lunchtime Informal Concerts start 4th February!

    We’re very pleased to announce the return of our ever popular informal lunchtime concerts for 2022!As before, these will generally take place on the first Friday of the month. 1.10 to 1.55pm Admission FREE All welcome FREE tea and coffee plus programme You’re welcome to bring a sandwich to increase your enjoyment! Retiring collection We begin…

  • Catering helpers needed!

    Catering helpers needed!

    With the prospect of social events resuming this coming year after the limitations of the pandemic, there is an urgent need for new volunteers to assist with baking, and/or helping on the day for events at HTC that require refreshments and hospitality. Sadly, many former stalwarts have had to stand down or limit their contributions…

  • 23rd January: Third Sunday of Epiphany

    23rd January: Third Sunday of Epiphany

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • 16th January: Second Sunday of Epiphany

    16th January: Second Sunday of Epiphany

    Here are the newsletter and pew sheet for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Easter Walk for FSW

    Easter Walk for FSW

    Family Support Work (FSW), our diocesan charity supporting families through tough times, is holding their annual fundraising walk this Easter Monday (18th April), starting and finishing at Alfriston with a refreshment stop at Wilmington Village Hall. Full details are on the poster image below. FSW would love to hear from anybody who is interested in…

  • New Year – new home group?

    New Year – new home group?

    After their Christmas break, our two homegroups will be restarting next week. Both meet on Zoom, one at 7pm on Thurdays for an hour and one on Friday at 3pm, also for an hour. Join us via the blue zoom button on the church website. All are welcome – newcomers especially. Both groups revisit the…

  • 9th January: The Baptism of Christ

    9th January: The Baptism of Christ

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):