We are committed to supporting those in our community and those in developing countries who suffer the effects of deprivation and injustice. As a church, we pledge to give a proportion of our income every year to charities in the UK and charities overseas who help people suffering extreme hardship. We also support local charities every month with our Fifth Sunday giving. Throughout the year, we hold appeals and fundraising events to support these charities further.
This year, through our Mission Giving, we are supporting the following charities and have given £1,416.66 to each.
- FSW (Family Support Work)
- Crawley Open House
- Tariro
- Vision Rescue
- Samara’s Aid
Do look out for ways you can help, through prayer, financial support or giving of your time. Find out more about the charities we support below.
FSW is a charity supporting families in Sussex struggling with issues such as poverty, ill health, family breakdown, bereavement or domestic abuse. Family Support Practitioners visit families in their homes or other settings to listen and to offer advice on issues such as parenting and money management, referring them to other agencies where appropriate. They can also act as advocates in a variety of meetings or case conferences. Along with Play Workers they organise family days out, weekend breaks, after school clubs, school holiday fun-days and workshops throughout the year.
We have supported FSW’s Cuckfield Deanery worker for many years, including: –
- Weekly collections of food and household goods for needy families
- Volunteering in Drop-in centres, after school clubs, fun-days and parties
- Christmas toy and gift collections, Christmas food hampers
- Holiday activity packs for children
- Special collections such as Harvest
- Financial Support
How you can help
- Donations of non-perishable food and household items can be left in the blue box in the church Tower, or delivered to Jane at 27, Mytten Close. Jane will also collect (call 01444 617158).
- Support our appeals throughout the year
- Visit their website for more information or to make a donation www.familysupportwork.org
- Pray for the work of FSW and for the families they support.
Crawley Open House first opened its doors to local homeless and vulnerable people in 1982.
Crawley Open House offers support and services for those suffering the effects of homelessness, unemployment, loneliness, discrimination or other forms of social exclusion. They provide a 24 bed hostel and a day centre which offers support to over 17,000 visitors in a year and is open every day of the year.
Tariro – Hope for Youth in Zimbabwe
“Helping young people in Zimbabwe to learn, develop and grow”
Tariro is a small charity based in the UK that raises money to support orphans and young people whose one parent can’t look after them anymore. It funds between 45 and 50 young people who need help and support in four centres in Zimbabwe providing for them through school and then with further education or practical projects until they are able to stand on their own two feet.
Tariro gives these children and young people hope when they have had none. It gives them a reason to live, and helps them to thrive. ‘Tariro’ means ‘Hope’ in Shona, one of the two main languages of Zimbabwe.
Visit https://tarirouk.com/ to find out more
Vision Recue works tirelessly with the street children of Mumbai, providing education and employment opportunities.
Buses, converted into mobile classrooms visit the slums daily and along with basic education give the children a hot meal (which is often shared with their family). There is a permanent school in one of the poorest slums in the city and a Community Centre where young women receive training in the skills of mehendi and tailoring, thus giving them the opportunity to generate an income.
The charity provides rehabilitation programmes for those suffering with alcohol and substance abuse and has a mobile GP surgery and a mobile dental van where slum dwellers can receive free treatment.
Vision Rescue’s aim is to enable those living in the slums to lift themselves out of poverty and lead fulfilling lives.
Holy Trinity has been supporting Samara’s Aid since 2015. It all began when Samara Levy from Brighton requested clothes for the people of Syria. She is focused on rebuilding hope for the people of Syria and the Middle East. The work has progressed substantially since then focusing on four major projects:
- The Outreach Centre in support of widows and orphans. Traumatised people gather here in safety to enjoy meals, craft work and to sing.
- Medical Centre serving the whole multi-faith community regardless of beliefs or political views and provides a bridge between a simple clinic and hospital.
- Grace Hospital set in a safe zone and providing a high level of general and specialist medical services.
- Farming to grow wheat and food, and to build a house on the land to accommodate a family to manage the farm.
All this needs prayer and money of course and donations are extremely welcome through Samara’s website
We have just sent 2.2kg of postcards to MAF
(Mission Aviation Fellowship)
MAF uses planes to transform the lives of the world’s most isolated people in need.
For over 75 years, MAF has been flying light aircraft over jungles, mountains, swamps and deserts. It enables more than 2,000 aid, development and mission organisations to bring medical care, emergency relief, long-term development and Christian hope to thousands of communities. For more information go to
We will continue to collect postcards for MAF, so please leave any you do not want in the box in the church porch. Many thanks!
Food Collections
We have weekly collections of food for FSW, Bewbush Academy and Holy Trinity School.
- Food for FSW can be left in the box in the tower or given to Jane Coan.
- Food for Holy Trinity School including fresh produce, can be taken to Jane at 27, Mytten Close (term-time only). Or call Jane on 01444 617158 to arrange collection or for any queries. Cheques should be made payable to Holy Trinity CE Primary Cuckfield (please write HTC FOOD on reverse.) Please contact Jane for bank details if required.
- Food for Bewbush Academy can be given to Rebecca Anderson or left at 8, Leyton Lee.
Bank transfers, labelled ‘FOODBANK’, can be made directly to the school’s bank account. Sort Code – 309238 Account Number – 54749260 Account Name – The Bewbush Academy
For all enquiries please contact Rebecca on 07928 111962
Thank you for your continuing generosity for all these collections.
Fifth Sunday Giving 2021
When there are five Sundays in a month, we give any money gifted that day to a nominated local charity. This year we are supporting:
- 30th May: FSW Family Fund for Summer Holiday activities (£405.75 was donated – Thank you)
- 29th August: St Peter and St James Hospice (£294 was donated – Thank you for your generosity)
- 31st October: Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity (£273.37 was donated – Thank you very much)
The local charities we will be supporting in 2022 are :
- 30.1.22 The Cross Over Project https://www.crossoverbrighton.org/ serving hot breakfast to the homeless every weekend every week of the year
- 29.5.22 FSW for Summer activities https://www.familysupportwork.org/ supporting children and families through difficult times in their lives
- 31.7.22 Golden Lion Children’s Charity in Lewes https://yellow.place/en/golden-lion-children-s-trust-lewes-britain providing hope, help and happiness to underprivileged children and children with special needs
- 30.10.22 to be decided. If you know of a local charity you think we should support please contact us.
Ways you can give on a Fifth Sunday: Money can only be collected if given on the fifth Sunday and can be given either through the giving plate in church; via the QR code on the last slide of the online church service or via the giving machine in church. Donations can also be left in a clearly marked envelope in the church office or sent directly to the charity. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please put your gift in a clearly marked envelope and include a note stating the money is to be Gift Aided. You also need to include your name, address and the amount you are giving. Thank you very much. Alternatively, you can donate online and Gift Aid the amount. Thank you for your generosity.
If you are a local charity and would like to be considered for our Fifth Sunday Giving, please get in touch with the church via our church office at office@holytrinitycuckfield.org
Every year in May we support Christian Aid Week, raising money to help Christian Aid with its goal of ending global poverty. Christian Aid works with some of the world’s poorest communities to bring about lasting change.
Normally there is a house-to-house collection In Cuckfield and a Big Brekkie Fund raising. We’d like to thank everyone for always responding so generously.
This year, despite the COVID restrictions, £847.50 was raised. Thank you very much!
Throughout the year we also hold collections for Emergency Appeals helping to rebuild lives after natural disasters.
Latest Appeals
- Christian Aid Week: The Big Brekkie!
- 20th January: Table-top Sale & Pop-up Cafe
- Good Neighbours CARE: 31st Dec collection partner
- Concert: Cuckfield’s Shining Stars
- 29th September: Macmillan Coffee Morning
For all previous Outreach updates, please visit https://holytrinitycuckfield.org/category/outreach/
Forthcoming Events
We are waiting for COVID restrictions to ease so that we can hold events, like our long-awaited Curry Night!
Details will be posted here, so watch this space!