Category: Latest News

  • Gold blast party for 2020 year 6 leavers

    Gold blast party for 2020 year 6 leavers

    A great time was had by all at the Gold blast party for Holy Trinity School 2020 year 6 leavers on the 18th September – here’s a selection of photos from the party!

  • Sinai & Storm Calming (Sermon)

    Catch up on Jonathan Berry’s sermon from Sunday 19 September:

  • Macmillan Coffee Morning (Thurs 23 Sept)

    Macmillan Coffee Morning (Thurs 23 Sept)

    Come and enjoy delicious cakes, coffee and wonderful company whilst supporting a great charity, at our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning, which this year will be on Thursday 23rd September between 10 am and 12 am, in the Tudor Hall of the Old School.

  • 19th September: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

    19th September: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Men’s Group Meal on Wednesday

    Men’s Group Meal on Wednesday

    On Wednesday 15th September at 8pm, the Bolney and Cuckfield men’s group welcome all comers to the White Harte in Cuckfield for a Thai feast. Please contact Clive Simmonds for full details and to let him know if you’re coming, so we can inform the restaurant of numbers. Future events: Oct 20th: Skittles and pizza…

  • 12th September: Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

    12th September: Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • September’s Family Service

    September’s Family Service

    Photos from our all-age service on Sunday 5 September, led by Zach and Archie

  • After-service coffee and cake!

    After-service coffee and cake!

    Our hospitality team enabling the congregation to enjoy coffee and apple cake in the sunshine after the 9.45 service on Sunday 5th September. The team are recruiting now for additional volunteers – all help welcome and full guidance provided! And for everyone who asked for the recipe, here’s how to make Helen’s famous apple cake!

  • 5th September: Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

    5th September: Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Home Communions

    Home Communions

    Did you know that you or those you love can receive Holy Communion at home? Either Michael or other Ministers of Communion within the Holy Trinity family will be delighted to come to you and share this short service with you. There are many people within our church family who haven’t been able to receive…