Mission Action Plan
‘Reaching Out in Love’
Using our reordered Church as a springboard, acknowledging our strengths and addressing our weaknesses, we have identified the following opportunities to let more people experience the love of Christ.
Click here to view our 2013 Annual Report & Accounts, which measure our progress against these objectives.
- ensure we include this in our approach to stewardship
- increasing rigour re Fairtrade produce
- identifying green charities
- incorporating 5th Sunday as green
- encourage Youth to focus on a green charity for their giving
Mission and Charitable Giving
“In as much as you did it to the least of these you did it for me.”
Every year the church sets aside a sum of money – about 10% of our income – for ‘Parish Giving’. This money is given to a number of Church and other charities which work with people in many kinds of need both in the UK and overseas. In this way we help to make it possible for those with the necessary skills, whether paid or voluntary, to work on our behalf where the needs are greatest. For example, this may be in supporting families with problems in Sussex, teaching new farming methods in Africa, providing shelter and education for street children in Calcutta, or running a clinic in a church in Baghdad.
The needs are great, and the Mission & Charities Committee of the PCC decides how much should go to which good cause and also keeps in touch with progress.
During the past 20 years, the mission and charitable giving of Holy Trinity Church has exceeded £400,000, both by direct giving, special grants and these specific appeals.