Bring your family and invite your friends to join our half-term activities this February! There’s no charge for any of these activities, but some require advance booking – read on for full details.
Flipping Brilliant Crafts followed by a pancake party on Tuesday 13 February; 10.30-12.00 or 1.00-2.30 in the church.
Please book one ticket per session, per person, from Ticketsource.
Holy Trinity Family Film Club with supper. Tuesday 13 February 5.00pm where we’ll be showing the wonderful Disney film, Moana. In the church.
Please book one ticket per person, from Ticketsource.
Our Pancake Path is open from Saturday 10th to Saturday 18th February.
No booking required, just come along any time, pick up a trail sheet from the church porch, and hunt for pancakes around the churchyard – revealing a hidden message…