Month: October 2021

  • Calling all pumpkin carvers!

    Calling all pumpkin carvers!

    We plan to have another Pumpkin of Light Trail during the half-term holiday. Can you help? We would love for people to volunteer to carve a pumpkin or two! Templates will be drawn on the pumpkin… all you have to do is cut it out! Please see Hilary Turner-King or Helen Swift or call Hilary on 01444…

  • Men’s Group Skittles

    Men’s Group Skittles

    The next Cuckfield & Bolney Men’s Night is ‘Skittles and Pizza’ at The Bull Inn in Henfield (BN5 9AD) on Wednesday, 20th October. Even if you’ve never been before, why not come along for a fun (and not too serious) evening. It’s 7.30pm for 8.00pm, and please let Clive know, so that he can give numbers…

  • Gold Blast Party 9 Oct 2021

    Gold Blast Party 9 Oct 2021

    Photos from Saturday’s Gold Blast Party for year 6 leavers from Holy Trinity School

  • Love in a Box

    Love in a Box

    Update: 57 shoeboxes full of gifts and surprises have been sent to Croatia via Mustard Seed Relief Mission. It is difficult to imagine how much joy they will give to the children who receive them. Thank you so much for helping to make their Christmas special. Original appeal: As in previous years, we are collecting…

  • Award for churchwarden Brian Cutler

    Award for churchwarden Brian Cutler

    Our thanks and congratulations go to Brian Cutler, servant of this parish for many years. On Saturday 9th October, in a service of Evensong at Chichester Cathedral, Brian was invested into the Order of St. Richard. The Order of St Richard is an annual award for lay people within the Diocese of Chichester who have…

  • 10th October: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

    10th October: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):

  • Vicar’s letter: October 2021

    Vicar’s letter: October 2021

    Respect Dear Friends, We have had various spats recorded in the press recently concerning various politicians using language which to my mind should never be used within political discourse. Both those on the right and left (and every shade between) have the responsibility to call out failures and shortcomings of the ‘other,’ and yes, in…

  • Harvest Family Praise

    Harvest Family Praise

    We celebrated the harvest festival at our monthly informal family praise this month; here are some of the children reading the Gospel story, and the congregation receiving communion.

  • Harvest Festival

    Harvest Festival

    What a wonderful weekend it was! Although Saturday 2nd October saw rain like the Deluge, we had the most uplifting Harvest Supper in church, with some splendid home-grown entertainment and over 70 people attending – and we were able to send £252 to the Bewbush Academy in Crawley. We are so grateful to Hilary and…

  • 3rd October: Harvest Festival

    3rd October: Harvest Festival

    Here are the pew sheet and newsletter for this week (containing readings, prayers, service times, and community news):